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Courtesy phrase on the video particles

    • Riccardo's Avatar
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    Courtesy phrase on the video particles

    Posted 10 months 3 weeks ago
    • The video particles associated with external streaming services such as YouTube, when set to start automatically, often do not start the video when the page is charged for the first time. When reloading, the video starts correctly. It happens a lot on Youtube.

      Is there an option to add a Cortese background to display a courtesy phrase such as E.g.: "Please reload the page or click F5 to start the video". This is to avoid the stupid streaming message: "Video not available".
    • Last Edit: 10 months 3 weeks ago by Riccardo.
    • Riccardo Rausch
    • Matt's Avatar
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    Re: Courtesy phrase on the video particles

    Posted 10 months 2 weeks ago
    • Most all modern browsers block the autoplay feature in embedded/HTML 5 video players by default, and have for quite some time. For that reason I would recommend not setting autoplay at all so that a normal play button is rendered.

      It's fairly easy to override Particles and add in your own fields as needed. I do not believe there is a free Video particle however and custom modification are beyond the scope of support provided here. You can consult the Gantry Docs on how to override particles and add in necessary YAML backend field and TWIG frontend output or you can post in the Marketplace forum for 3rd party dev assistance.
    • SEARCH the forum first! These boards are rich in knowledge and vast in topics. This includes searching just the 'Solved' forums, using Google, and using ChatGPT :woohoo:

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