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NOTE: Certain elements of the calendar, including which day of the week a week starts on, are based on the language pack assigned to the page the calendar is displayed in. For example, en-US results in Sunday appearing as the first day of the calendar week.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/flux/particle_calendar.mdNOTE: Certain elements of the calendar, including which day of the week a week starts on, are based on the language pack assigned to the page the calendar is displayed in. For example, en-US results in Sunday appearing as the first day of the calendar week.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/flux/particle_calendar.mdNOTE: Certain elements of the calendar, including which day of the week a week starts on, are based on the language pack assigned to the page the calendar is displayed in. For example, en-US results in Sunday appearing as the first day of the calendar week.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/flux/particle_calendar.mdNOTE: The month in the Date object starts from 0, not 1, so if your website is launching in October, you need to set the month value to 9. Furthermore, 0 for January to 11 for December. Text There is a block of text under the countdown timer in our default page.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/acacia/comingsoon.mdHall is free for the first 1-5 users. If your team has more than five users, the fee starts at $3 per person each month. Group video conferencing is available in the Enterprise plan, with upgrades possible in the standard Business plan.
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Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/styles.mdEvery day starts the same, but each ends up being quite different as I shift from project to project. What are you working on right now? Primarily, Joomla 3 conversions and upcoming template releases. Take us through your home screen. Why those apps?
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