Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Notio Demo for Grav
The Content Showcase particle displays articles in a modern arrangement including: titles, links, images, and more.
Here are the topics covered in this guide:
These options affect the main area of the particle, and not the individual items within. You can set the title of the particle here.
Option | Description |
Particle Name | This is the name of the particle used for back end management. It does not appear on the front end. |
CSS Classes | Enter any CSS class(es) you wish to have apply to the particle. |
Title | Enter a title for the particle. This will appear on the front end. |
Content Source | Choose between Particle and Grav as the content source. This determines where your content will generate from. |
These items make up the individual featured items in the particle. Items in this section will only appear if Particle is selected as the Content Source.
Option | Description |
Item Name | This is the name of the item. This only appears in the back end. |
Image | Select an image to go along with the item. |
Author | Enter an author name to display. |
Content | Enter content to display. |
Link | Enter a link you want the item to link to. |
Link Label | Enter a label for the link to act as the read more text. |
Option | Description |
Categories | Select the categories of articles this particle will display. |
Number of Pages | Enter the maximum number of articles to display. |
Start From | Enter offset specifying the first article to return. The default is '0' (the first article). |
Pagination | Enable or Disable pagination. |
Order By | Choose the type of factor to order by. |
Ordering Direction | Choose between Ascending and Descending as the article ordering method. |
This section sets what appears in the first article.
Option | Description |
Image | Display the image assigned to the article's Intro, Full or None. |
Content Type | Choose between Content, Excerpt, and Hide as the source of content for the item. |
Text Limit | Enter the maximum number of characters in the text to display. |
Text Formatting | Choose between Plain Text and HTML text formatting. |
Title | Show or Hide the article's title. |
Title Limit | Enter the maximum number of characters in the title to display. |
Date | Enter a date for the item. |
Date Format | Select the format you want the date to be displayed in. |
Author | Show or Hide author information. |
Link Label | Enter a label for the link to act as the read more text. |
This section configures how articles other than the first one are displayed.
Option | Description |
Image | Display the image assigned to the article's Intro, Full or None. |
Content Type | Choose between Content, Excerpt, and Hide as the source of content for the item. |
Text Limit | Enter the maximum number of characters in the text to display. |
Text Formatting | Choose between Plain Text and HTML text formatting. |
Title | Show or Hide the article's title. |
Title Limit | Enter the maximum number of characters in the title to display. |
Date | Enter a date for the item. |
Date Format | Select the format you want the date to be displayed in. |
Author | Show or Hide author information. |