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Entropy: Recreating the Demo - Overrides

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Entropy Theme for WordPress

Theme Override Settings

One of the most important central features of any Gantry theme is the ability to be set up within the Theme Settings menu. These settings can be adjusted by navigating to Administration -> Entropy Theme. To replicate the demo, the main changes being made will happen within the Style, Gizmos, Layouts, and Advanced tabs.

This table will break down the various settings you may need to adjust in order to recreate the demo. Most of the settings under Style are adjusted automatically with the selection of a theme preset. You can set presets using the Presets button located next to the Save option at the top of the Theme Settings page.

Once you have selected a Preset, these options can be further adjusted to match the demo. Keep in mind that the override indicated here relates to the theme override in this menu. More information about how overrides work can be found in our Gantry documentation.


Override Option Setting
Default CSS Style Style 1
Default Header Panel Headline: Blank, Pattern: Pattern 2, Divider: Divider 2, Subline: Blank, Typography: Retro, Title Alignment: Center
Default Showcase Panel Headline: Blank, Title Alignment: Center, Typography: Retro, Subline: Blank
Default Feature Panel Headline: Blank, Divider: Divider 1, Title Alignment: Center, Subline: Blank, Typography: Retro
Default MainBody Panel Headline: Blank, Divider: Divider 1, Title Alignment: Left, Subline: Blank, Typography: Retro
Default Bottom Panel Headline: Blank, Pattern: Pattern 1, Divider: Divider 5, Subline: Blank, Typography: Retro, Title: Center
Default Footer Panel Headline: Blank, Divider: Divider 1, Title Alignment: Center, Subline: Blank, Typography: Retro
Default Read More Style Button
Default Panel Back To Top On
Default Fixed Header On
Default Thumbnail Size Width: 150, Height: 150, Position: Left
Default WebFonts Show: Off, WebFonts Source: Google Font Directory
Default Font Settings Font Family: Helvetica, Font Size: Default
Default Use WordPress Comments On
Default Comments Style Standard
Default Custom CSS Blank
Front Page Showcase Panel Headline: Conference Schedule, Title Alignment: Center, Typography: Retro, Subline: Find the sessions that interest you
Front Page Feature Panel Headline: Guest Speakers, Divider: Divider 1, Title Alignment: Center, Subline: Experts in their Field, Typography: Retro
Front Page Bottom Panel Headline: How to Attend, Pattern: Pattern 1, Divider: Divider 5, Subline: Location, Prices, etc..., Typography: Retro, Title: Center
Front Page Footer Panel Headline: Theme Features, Divider: Divider 1, Title Alignment: Center, Subline: Packed full of goodies and fun stuff, Typography: Retro


Override Option Setting
Default Page Class Suffix Enable: Off
Default Feed Links On
Default Load Images Show: On, Offset Y: 200, XPath Ignores: Blank
Default Custom Title Tag Blank
Default Typography Shortcodes On
Default Shortcodes in Widgets On
Default RokStyle On
Default Google Analytics Enabled: Off, UA Code: Blank


Style Option Setting
Default Top Positions Positions: 2, 3:9
Default Header Positions Positions: 2, 6:6
Default Showcase Positions Positions: 1, 12
Default Feature Positions Positions: 1, 12
Default Utility Positions Positions: 1, 12
Default MainTop Positions Positions: 2, 6:6
Default MainBody Positions Positions: 2, 7:5
Default MainBottom Positions Positions: 1, 12
Default Bottom Positions Positions: 4, 3:3:3:3
Default Footer Positions Positions: 4, 3:3:3:3
Front Page MainBody Positions Positions: 2, 7:5


Override Option Setting
Default iPhone Custom Theme On
Default Android Custom Theme On
Default iPhone Scalable Off
Default Images Resize Enabled: On, Min-Width: 80, Percentage: 25%
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Drawer drawer
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Top top-a
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Header header-b
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Navigation mobile-navigation
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Showcase mobile-showcase
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Feature feature-a
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Bottom mainbottom-a
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Footer Position footer-position-c
Default Positions Aliases - Mobile Copyright copyright


Override Option Setting
Default Gantry Cache Enabled: On, Cache Time 900
Default Gantry GZipper Enabled: On, Cache Time 600, Expires Time: 1440, Strip Whitespace: On
Default Layout Mode Responsive
Default Input Styling Enabled: On, Exclusions: '.content_vote','\#rt-popup','\#send_message_form'
Default Display Content On
Default Display Mainbody On
Default RTL Support On
Default Title Spans On
Default Typography Styling Enabled: On
Default Disable Auto Paragraphs Enabled: On, Content Type: Both
Default Disable Texturize Off
Default IE6 Redirect On


Override Option Setting
Front Page Theme Page Types Home Page, Front Page

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