Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Paradox Theme for WordPress
Here is the widget breakdown for the Rotator section:
The Gantry Rotator widget loads the Posts associated with a category created for the rotator. The options used in this widget are listed below, followed by the content body of the first of three posts used in the demo.
Option | Setting |
Category | Rotator |
Order By | Date |
Rotator One Post Content
<div class="rotator-preview">
<div class="rotator-preview-img">
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Rotator Screenshot" width="280" height="157" /></a>
<div class="rotator-text">
<span class="rotator-line1">Absolute style control with the Color</span>
<span class="rotator-line2">Chooser</span>
<span class="rotator-line3">to control all colors, backgrounds and borders.</span>