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Xenon: Recreating the Demo - Expanded Section

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Xenon Demo for WordPress


The Expanded section includes a single News Slider particle.

Here is a breakdown of the widget(s) and particle(s) that appear in this section:

Section Settings

Option Setting
Layout Boxed
CSS Classes Blank
Tag Attributes Blank

News Slider (Particle)

Particle Settings

Demo Expanded

Option Setting
Particle Name News Slider
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Height 500px
Item 1 Name The Gantry 5 Framework is the powerhouse behind the Xenon theme
Item 1 Subtitle For Joomla & WordPress
Item 1 Header Description The latest version of the framework is a ground-up rewrite, focusing on performance and intuitive features
Item 1 Description Gantry 5 offers several new features, for both end users and developers, such as the drag & drop interface for both the Layout Manager and Menu Editor. Alongside are powerful development features, such as Twig, YAML, SASS and extensive overridability.
Item 1 Button Label Read More
Item 1 Button Link #
Item 1 Target Self
Item 1 Button Classes button-2

Block Settings

Demo Expanded

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-expanded-a
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 100%

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