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Screens, screens everywhere! Well not perhaps anymore. I have a small office with my 27" iMac, a 22" secondary LG display. I do have a 24" LG but not in use, as it hurt my neck too much from turning! First world coding problems! In short, very clean, tidy and bright!
Joomla Articles /blog/team/45-meet-the-team-james-spencerStrips Strips displays content in long rectangular blocks, which appear vertically on larger browsers and horizontally on smaller mobile screens. Themes The Strips layout mode has four built-in themes. These include: Default, Separated, Cards, and Parallel.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/strips_mode.mdStrips Strips displays content in long rectangular blocks, which appear vertically on larger browsers and horizontally on smaller mobile screens. Themes The Strips layout mode has four built-in themes. These include: Default, Separated, Cards, and Parallel.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/strips_mode.mdIt Has Been 5+ Years Since Your Last Redesign Like anything in the world of design and style, websites age over time. Design principles shift rapidly, and in some cases, these shifts affect the way the site actually functions.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/195-five-signs-your-site-is-due-for-a-redesignToday's Web is explored through a variety of screens ranging from small smartphones to giant big-screen televisions. Designing your site to work consistently across various screen sizes makes it a more pleasant experience for all visitors, regardless of the device they use to access it.
Joomla Grav Wordpress Articles /blog/design/148-five-ways-to-make-your-site-more-mobile-friendlyGantry 5 Grid Classes See the official documentation here: http://docs.gantry.org/gantry5/advanced/responsive-content In Gantry 5 you can use the normal classes and HTML markup available in the core Gantry code. These classes are g-container, g-grid, g-block, and g-content.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/creating_responsive_content.mdTwo screens opens the door for, obviously, more space. Things can get too contained / cluttered otherwise. Computing speed is also important. A slow system can grind productivity to a halt. Make sure you have enough processing power and RAM to handle your needs.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/team/107-productivity-tips-for-developersThe following are some examples: * and - are shortcuts to unordered lists. 1. or 1) are shortcuts to ordered lists. # translates to h1, ## translates to h2, ### translates to h3, and so on.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/267-10-hidden-wordpress-features-you-didn-t-know-existedSince we started using HipChat in 2010 we've sent nearly 1 million messages via the service! Other solutions come close, but none provide the raft of features of HipChat for the price, I can't recommend it enough!
RocketTheme Articles /blog/mac/38-essential-mac-apps-for-development-and-productivity