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WordPress.org has an excellent guide to which folders should have certain permission settings in place. It also goes into detail about how to best secure specific files, such as wp-config.php. Your .htaccess file can be an important part of your overall file security process.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/154-how-to-make-wordpress-more-secureOption Setting Theme Default Display Limit 6 Collapsible Preview Enable Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No Previews Per Page 5 Arrow Navigation Show Pagination Show Autoplay 5 Image Resize Disable You can set the RokSprocket filters
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/cygnet/demo_bottom.mdOption Setting Theme Default Display Limit 6 Collapsible Preview Enable Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No Previews Per Page 5 Arrow Navigation Show Pagination Show Autoplay 5 Image Resize Disable You can set the RokSprocket filters
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4audacity/demo_bottom.mdSince we started using HipChat in 2010 we've sent nearly 1 million messages via the service! Other solutions come close, but none provide the raft of features of HipChat for the price, I can't recommend it enough!
RocketTheme Articles /blog/mac/38-essential-mac-apps-for-development-and-productivity