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The first 4 presets have light backgrounds, presets 5-6 have a darker background and 7-8 have dark grey variants. These are all configurable in the template manager, to allow easy switching.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/stratosConfigure up to 6 icons, with custom text, FontAwesome icons and links. Each icon has colored hover and smooth animation effect to reveal the social text.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/corvusBranding Custom Copyright To-Top Scroller Load Transitions Mainbody and Content Toggle Basic RTL Support Page Suffix Support IE7 Redirect Page Technical Requirements and Support Gantry 4 Framework FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8+ HTML5, CSS3, LESS PHP 5.2.17+ (5.3+ recommended) WordPress 5.
Wordpress Products /component/rokface/acaciaBranding Custom Copyright To-Top Scroller Load Transitions Mainbody and Content Toggle Basic RTL Support Page Suffix Support IE7 Redirect Page Technical Requirements and Support Gantry 4 Framework FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8+ HTML5, CSS3, LESS PHP 5.2.17+ (5.3+ recommended) WordPress 5.
Wordpress Products /component/rokface/paradigmResults are paged and can be accessed via buttons or keyboard commands. K2 (3rd Party) K2 is the popular content control kit extension from JoomlaWorks, which basically expands Joomla's built-in content facility. The template has styled support for K2, including a responsive layout.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/metropolisResults are paged and can be accessed via buttons or keyboard commands. K2 (3rd Party) K2 is the popular content control kit extension from JoomlaWorks, which basically expands Joomla's built-in content facility. The template has styled support for K2, including a responsive layout.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/leviathanResults are paged and can be accessed via buttons or keyboard commands. K2 (3rd Party) K2 is the popular content control kit extension from JoomlaWorks, which basically expands Joomla's built-in content facility. The template has styled support for K2, including a responsive layout.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/chapelcoResults are paged and can be accessed via buttons or keyboard commands. RokBooster Site speed is paramount, and RokBooster is how we fulfil this. It compresses and combines CSS, Javascript, Font and Image files, reducing HTTP request and overall file size.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/frescoTheme Features Fluid Responsive Layout Normal Responsive Layout 6 Preset Styles Parallax Background Content Animations 75 Widget Positions 1200 Fixed Option 8 Styled Widget Variations Structural Widget Variations 960 Fixed Option Dropdown-Menu and Split-Menu Custom Typography Custom Logo
Wordpress Products /component/rokface/osmosisTheme Features Responsive Layout 6 Preset Styles Content Animations 89 Widget Positions 1200 Fixed Option 8 Styled Widget Variations Structural Widget Variations 960 Fixed Option Dropdown-Menu and Split-Menu Custom Typography Custom Logo Option Mobile Menu Social Buttons Option Chart.js
Wordpress Products /component/rokface/plethora