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ScaleText particle - Freebie by MrT

    • MrT's Avatar
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    ScaleText particle - Freebie by MrT

    Posted 5 years 4 months ago
    • Have you even wanted a heading or other text to always look the same regardless of the viewport size? Ever needed to have your text always fit the available width perfectly? Then perhaps by ScaleText particle might be of benefit to you...

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      The particle is responsive and can occupy as much or little space you require on your layout. It always makes the text fit 100% of the available width by altering the size of the font. It can be used with any font and your text can be a single or multiple line.

      1. To install it:

      From the ZIP file copy scaletext.yaml and scaletext.html.twig to /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/particles (note you may need to create this folder).
      From the ZIP file copy _scaletext.scss to /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/scss (note you may need to create this folder).
      In your custom.scss file (create one if you don't have one in /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/scss) add
      @import "dependencies";
      @import "scaletext";
      From the ZIP file copy scaletext.yaml and scaletext.html.twig to /user/data/gantry5/themes/TEMPLATENAME/particles (note you may need to create this folder).
      From the ZIP file copy _scaletext.scss to /user/data/gantry5/themes/TEMPLATENAME/scss (note you may need to create this folder).
      In your custom.scss file (create one if you don't have one in /user/data/gantry5/themes/TEMPLATENAME/scss) add
      @import "dependencies";
      @import "scaletext";
      From the ZIP file copy scaletext.yaml and scaletext.html.twig to /wp-content/themes/TEMPLATENAME/custom/particles (note you may need to create this folder).
      From the ZIP file copy _scaletext.scss to /wp-content/themes/TEMPLATENAME/custom/scss (note you may need to create this folder).
      In your custom.scss file (create one if you don't have one in /wp-content/themes/TEMPLATENAME/custom/scss) add
      @import "dependencies";
      @import "scaletext";

      2. On your chosen outline > layout - drag the scaletext particle on to the layout. Then click on the "settings" cog and add your text items and SAVE .

      That's it.


      Regards, Mark.
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    • pdowse's Avatar
    • pdowse
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    Re: ScaleText particle - Freebie by MrT

    Posted 5 years 3 months ago
    • Awesome - Going to have a play around with this.

      Thanks Mark.
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