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Countdown particle - Freebie by MrT

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    Countdown particle - Freebie by MrT

    Posted 3 years 11 months ago
    • Some members choose to add a "splash/landing" page to their sites. A common requirement on such pages is a to add a button to take your to the sites home page. Some members have expressed a desire to show a timed (not event) countdown on such a page and then perhaps automatically go to the next page when that countdown expires. So, I've written a particle to do just that with several configuration options. Here are two of the possible "looks" (subject to your template styling too).

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      Ok, hopefully I have you attention now so let's get the particle installed (Joomla only - look for the equivalent locations in GRAV or Wordpress here ).

      1. From the ZIP file copy countdown.yaml and countdown.html.twig to /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/particles (note you may need to create this folder).

      2. From the ZIP file copy _countdown.scss to /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/scss (note you may need to create this folder).

      3. Open your existing custom.scss file (or add one to /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/scss) and at the top (after the import of "dependencies", if you have such a line) add this line:
      @import "countdown";

      So, now we're ready to actually use the particle.

      4. Drag and drop the countdown particle on to the layout of your outline and click on the settings cog in the particle. Complete the settings (they should all be self explanatory):

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      I hope you find this particle useful.

      Any questions or suggestions please ask.

      Regards, Mark.
    • Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by MrT.
    • Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
    • MrT's Avatar
    • MrT
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    Re: Countdown particle - Freebie by MrT

    Posted 3 years 7 months ago
    • x
    • Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.

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