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Create a Template Called "Simple"

  • Create a Template Called "Simple"

    Posted 10 months 13 hours ago
    • Hello,

      I've got 10 Joomla sites running for my business -- and about half of them are RocketTheme. The framework for RocketTheme is really fantastic in terms of flexibility with how to set up modules. I've never found better -- because my needs are pretty complex.

      But if there's one thing I don't like it's that RocketTheme's templates can be "overdesigned." There's sometimes too much going on, too much flashiness. Oftentimes, the logo position is too small, too.

      So if I could ask for one thing, it would be a templated called Simple -- straight up barebones template with the ability for a larger logo, lots of menu-position options, and simply color options instead of graphics. Kind of like the J4 Cassiopeia template, but with far greater flexibility -- actually, the same flexibility that RocketTheme templates already have.

      I'm hoping it can happen one day!

    • Last Edit: 10 months 13 hours ago by Douglas Schneider.
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    Re: Create a Template Called "Simple"

    Posted 9 months 3 weeks ago
  • Re: Create a Template Called "Simple"

    Posted 9 months 1 week ago
    • When I show the templates to a customer, I remind them that it's just a demo with "All the bells and whistles" turned on, and the end result should only resemble the demo, not mirror it.

      Then I always start with a blank slate and use template overrides to get the best placement for their logo. Most of the RT templates have small logo areas but they are all workable.

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