Your Guide to Using the cygnet Style for phpBB.
Cygnet bridges the gap between corporate and hip! The style features contemporary design elements and structures, whilst maintaining a subtle, corporate-esque overall appearance to maximize professionalism and visual intrigue.
Integrated styling is provided for extensions in its various layout types, such as Tabs and Headlines. Cygnet is based on the RokBB Framework, and has varying other features available.
NOTE: RokBB 5.5.0+ is required for Cygnet to work correctly. For more details on installing RokBB, please visit the Administrative Module installation guide.
Modules Editor allows you to easily build your modules around phpBB 3.1 forum. You can specify position, size and other params. We have included many pre-made modules and created tutorial about building your own content modules.
The style benefits from an animated header, using the Particles.js script to generate connected random lines and dots that move and rotate in the header area. This can be replaced by a static image equivalent, or a custom image via the RokBB.