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HELP, please! My theme disappeared!

    • jSIXk's Avatar
    • jSIXk
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    HELP, please! My theme disappeared!

    Posted 12 years 7 months ago
    • I was adding text widgets to the footer on a Gantry theme I've been developing for WordPress. I wanted to have a blank text module in the middle, and so I inserted an HTML blank space. Apparently, the inclusion of a semicolon in the text widget broke the entire world.

      Now, WordPress will not recognize the theme at all. I've deactivated and re-activated Gantry and tried renaming the theme directory to no avail. What could be doing this?

      [EDIT: I should also say that I've gone into the database, in the wp_options table, and removed the offending semicolons. I don't know that this is what caused the problem, but it's the last thing I did before the theme disappeared.]

      [UPDATE/SOLVED-ISH: I could not ultimately figure out what was broken about my template. Here are the steps I took in order to fix my issue:
      1. I renamed the theme directory on the server to '<theme>_DNU'
      2. I uploaded the rt_gantry_wp theme
      3. I verified that the uploaded theme appeared in the list of themes
      4. Without refreshing the list of themes, I renamed the uploaded 'rt_gantry_wp' directory to something else on the server and renamed the previously renamed theme directory to 'rt_gantry_wp'.
      5. When I clicked activate on the themes list, I got back a result saying that the theme was "Broken", no further explanation. Yay, WordPress. =\
      6. Now in a bit of a fit, I uploaded my local copy of the theme I'd been developing over the "Broken" one in its entirety and, Viola! ]

      Stuff like this angers me quite a bit. What was it about modifying widgets in the control panel that would have broken a file in my theme directory? Anyone have any ideas?

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