I have my mp3 files unloaded locally on my server because the soundcloud API is down, I'll need to be able to show counts for how many times an audio file was played, something like a play counter, Joomla and Gantry 5 with the Remnant Templete.
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I'll have prefered to use soundcloud TRackID other than the local file player. I did everything the way i'm suppose to do them Remnant audio player displayed an error message saying it error loading soundcloud API , I really want to use the sound cloud API for my track files in Remnant, I got my track ID from the embed code. filled everything the way i'm suppose to but didnt work, Someone should help with any useful information on this.
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You have a customhtml module in the slideshow section of the "the vault" outline. This module is causing a JS error in the browser console. I disabled that particle on the layout of your outline for now.
Neither of your audioplayer particles contain a soundcloud API ID ? Please tell me what you API ID is. and the track ID you are trying to play.
Regards, Mark.
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SoundCloud Application Registration
Due to the high amount of requests recently received, we will no longer be processing API application requests at this time. We are working to re-evaluate our process to make it more efficient.
No it's not. As I said before, soundcloud have stopped providing API codes, that is why I asked if you had obtained one before they stopped providing them.
Regards, Mark.
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You can use any of our templates for a bookstore because you can add an ecommerce extensions from JED. Our Versla template is an ecommerce template that uses "snipcart".
New questions = new topics now please to be fair to other members.
Regards, Mark.
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