Quickly search documentation, product details and articles.
Featured Post Section This area of the front page is the mainbody. It allows you to display featured posts on the front page. There are a couple things that have to be in order in order to see these posts populated in the MainBody section of the page.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/entropy/demo_posts.mdParallax Parallax is the apparent motion of a 3D object as based against your perspective, in short, an object appears to move as your glance changes. This effect has been transposed into the full page's background image, as varying between presets.
Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/vermilion/Grunge Free/GPL Theme This part of the front page is pulled from demo content. In this case, posts. All posts are given the Frontpage Articles category.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/grunge/demo_module_8.md<div class="rt-width-80">A diverse array of features to enrich your side, provide great flexibility as well as ease of use and swift customization.</div> Here is a breakdown of options changes you will want to make to match the demo.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4epsilon/demo_expandedtop.mdFeatured Articles This area of the front page is made up of articles. Articles appear within the Mainbody area of the front page. Turning on Mainbody Content This content appears on the front page because the Mainbody Enabled option has been turned on in the template settings.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/entropy/demo_module_5.mdSite Licenses Used Site Licenses Remaining Site 1 No 1 5 Site 2 No 1 4 Site 3 No 1 3 Site 4 No 1 2 Site 5 No 1 1 Site 6 Yes 0 1 John Doe will still have one remaining site license after building the non-profit site.
Joomla Grav Wordpress Magento Phpbb Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/site_licenses.mdOption Setting Display Limit 2 Theme Default Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No Previews Per Page 1 Items Per Row 1 Arrow Navigation Show Pagination Hide Animation Fade Delayed Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/paradigm/demo_mainbottom.mdIn the user/config/system.yaml file ensure your have the following configuration: errors: display: 1 log: true Configuration Issues As explained above in the Configuration section, if you're using the default settings, set the Plugin configuration to use a SMTP server.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/start/contact.mdParallax Parallax is the apparent motion of a 3D object as based against your perspective, in short, an object appears to move as your glance changes. This effect has been transposed into the full page's background image, as varying between presets.
Wordpress Products /component/rokface/vermilionParallax Parallax is the apparent motion of a 3D object as based against your perspective, in short, an object appears to move as your glance changes. This effect has been transposed into the full page's background image, as varying between presets.
Grav Products /component/rokface/vermilion