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Score 45.9

RokGallery: Editing and Managing Image Files

By clicking on an image's edit icon (1), a panel appears which gives you direct access to the image's title, slug (URL-friendly title), description, tags, and its slices. Edit Icon: Grants access to an image's editing panel. Title: This field allows you to adjust the image's title as needed.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokgallery/rokgallery_images.md
Score 39.8


NOTE: All the referenced cells allows HTML syntax, if instead of just plain "Firefox" (in the example above), we wanted a bold, red and italic "Firefox" (Firefox) this is how we would have written our cell: name::padding-top:10px;|<strong style="color:red;"><em>Firefox</em></b>

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokfeaturetable/rokfeaturetable_use.md
Score 36.6


NOTE: All the referenced cells allow HTML syntax, if instead of just plain "Firefox" (in the example above), we wanted a bold, red and italic "Firefox" (Firefox) this is how we would have written our cell: name::padding-top:10px;|<strong style="color:red;"><em>Firefox</em></b>

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokfeaturetable/rokfeaturetable_use.md
Score 35.1

How Joomla Extensions Work

To access the Update menu, navigate to Administrator > Extensions > Extension Manager and select Update in the sidebar on the left side of the Extension Manager page (point 1 in figure below). From there, you will want to hit the Find Updates button (point 4) to get a complete list of extensions.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/extensions.md
Score 33.8

Stop Contact Form Spam on WordPress and Joomla with reCAPTCHA

If there is not, click the red X to enable it. Navigate to Administrator > System > Global Configuration and select the Site tab. Locate the Default Captcha option and set it to Captcha - ReCaptcha. Click Save and Close. Click on the Contacts component page from the sidebar. Select the Form tab.

Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/159-stop-contact-form-spam-on-wordpress-and-joomla-with-recaptcha
Score 32.7

Database Plugins to Keep Your WordPress Websites in Shape

You can get the premium services for as less as $5 a month, making it ideal for small and medium companies to build an online front.Vault Press helps in management of data during site migration, automated file repair, defense against spam and restoration of your entire online presence.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/244-database-plugins-to-keep-your-wordpress-websites-in-shape
Score 31.7

How to Get Your Website Ready for the New Year

If you visit a site in 2015 that has a copyright year of 2010, this can be seen as a red flag that the content is either outdated or unreliable.

Wordpress Articles /blog/design/164-how-to-get-your-website-ready-for-the-new-year
Score 29.8

Introducing RocketTheme's New Website

Simply click the red Download button next to the file(s) you wish to download, and that is it. You are ready to go. New Forum The forum has long been the heart of RocketTheme's community.

Joomla Phpbb Articles /blog/team/104-introducing-rockettheme-new-website
Score 28.5

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="http://(Your Site URL).com/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/http

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 26.8

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/images/product2.jpg">Product

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbox/how_to_use.md