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Score 83.4


bundled) WebFont based Imageset and Icons Google Web Fonts Support Google Analytics Ready Responsive and Fixed Layouts 8 Styled & Numerous Structural Module Suffixes RokNavMenu Exporter Support RokBridge support Demo settings applied automatically 8 Preset Styles Tabs & Headlines Integrated RokBB 5

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/paradigm/
Score 74.7


Features Responsive Layout 6 Preset Styles Content Animations SideSlider option Imageset Editor Social Buttons Module FontAwesome 4 based Imageset and Icons Google Web Fonts Support Google Analytics Ready RokNavMenu Exporter Support RokBridge Support Demo settings applied automatically 13 Module Areas

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/ricochet/
Score 66.6


Google Web Fonts Support Responsive and Fixed Layouts 9 Styled & Numerous Structural Module Suffixes Extended configuration options RokNavMenu Exporter Support Community driven RokBridge support Demo settings applied automatically 8 Preset Styles Display modules in Tabs Tabs Responsive Layout RokBB 5

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/chapelco/
Score 65.2


in Tabs Tabs Responsive Layout RokBB 5 Framework phpBB 3.0.11 Compatible Various Configurable Module Positions LoadTransitions Customizable layout options FF, Opera, Safari 4, IE8+ Compatible NOTE: RokBB 5+ is required for Alerion to work correctly.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/alerion/
Score 65.2


phpBB 3.0.11 Compatible Various Configurable Module Positions LoadTransitions Customizable layout options FF, Opera, Safari 4, IE8+ Compatible HTML5, CSS3, LESS CSS NOTE: RokBB 5+ is required for Leviathan to work correctly.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/leviathan/
Score 62.6


Also, this style presently only supports phpBB 3.0 and is not currently available for phpBB 3.1. New RokBB3 Administration Fresco offers a wide array of layout configurations for displaying your content.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/clarion/
Score 62.6


Also, this style presently only supports phpBB 3.0 and is not currently available for phpBB 3.1. New RokBB3 Administration Fresco offers a wide array of layout configurations for displaying your content.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/fresco/
Score 62.6


Also, this style presently only supports phpBB 3.0 and is not currently available for phpBB 3.1. New RokBB3 Administration Fresco offers a wide array of layout configurations for displaying your content.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/ionosphere/
Score 62.6


Also, this style presently only supports phpBB 3.0 and is not currently available for phpBB 3.1. Responsive Layout Kirigami's responsive grid system is designed for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Each with minor modifications to enhance compatibility in each mode.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/kirigami/
Score 62.6


Also, this style presently only supports phpBB 3.0 and is not currently available for phpBB 3.1. New RokBB3 Administration Fresco offers a wide array of layout configurations for displaying your content.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/voxel/