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How to Install You can download a zip package from the RokMage Extensions using the Download button above.. Once you have downloaded and unzipped the extension package, you will notice that the folder structure for the files has been included.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/extensions/contentslider/Slot #1 CMS page link: Allows you to disable or select a CMS page to show in this slot. Slot #1 sub-menu items: Allows you to add CMS page URL keys in a comma separated list (no spaces). How to Install You can download a zip package from the RokMage Extensions using the Download button above..
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/extensions/magemenus/Ability to override options in .htaccess files Step 1: Download Magento There are two primary methods we recommend for downloading Magento.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/start/install_magento.mdSince we started using HipChat in 2010 we've sent nearly 1 million messages via the service! Other solutions come close, but none provide the raft of features of HipChat for the price, I can't recommend it enough!
RocketTheme Articles /blog/mac/38-essential-mac-apps-for-development-and-productivity$count); } } } public function drawMenuItem($children, $level = 1) { $html = '<div class="itemMenu level' .
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/rokmage_mobile/setup.md