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Score 92.8

Billing and Payments Guide

If the transaction fails repeatedly, you may wish to contact your bank or credit card holder. You can also contact support directly at and we can take a look. NOTE for PayPal Users: Please be aware, we only receive the error messages from PayPal and have no control over the transaction.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/payments.md
Score 40.8

Five Tips for Beginning Web Developers

By some estimates, there are now over 1 billion websites serving over 3 billion people worldwide. Even taking into account that many - if not the majority - of them are unused and essentially parked domains, that's still a lot of websites!

RocketTheme Articles /blog/coding/212-five-tips-for-beginning-web-developers
Score 34.1

Tips For Boosting Sales Through Your Website In 2017

This is how you can create a system where your customers buy repeatedly from you, become brand advocates, and ultimately bring more referral customers.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/news/245-tips-for-boosting-sales-through-your-website-in-2017