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Score 366.5

Ethereal: Recreating the Demo

Introduction Recreating features of the demo site used to show off some of the more interesting aspects of Ethereal can be done fairly easily. All you need is the right extensions and settings, and you should be able to reproduce most (if not all) of the elements found in our demo site.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/ethereal/demo.md
Score 363.9

How to Install a RocketTheme Style for phpBB 3.0

You can typically find a direct link to the ACP by navigating to the very bottom of the front page of your phpBB installation and clicking Administration Control Panel. Step 1: Download the Style Downloading a RocketTheme phpBB style is pretty simple.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/styles.md
Score 360.3

Strengthening the Admin area of WordPress

There is no denying the fact that the WordPress CMS is a highly popular website building platform. So many websites being hosted on the CMS also makes it a soft target for malicious hackers who are looking to inject their codes or simply hack a website for fun.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/270-strengthening-the-admin-area-of-wordpress
Score 357.4

The Deals Continue in Our Cyber Monday Sale

For freelance developers, this gives them access to a multitude of different themes they can test locally and create demos for their clients to help them choose the right one for them. Site licenses carry over between terms, and they can add new licenses as needed to meet their needs.

Grav Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/276-the-deals-continue-in-our-cyber-monday-sale
Score 355.5

How Joomla Templates Work

Here's how: Install Extensions This is where you will want to go to install any extensions. [80%, 5%, se] The easiest way to do this is by going to Admin → Install Extensions (point 1) within the Administrator area of your site.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/templates.md
Score 355.2

RokGallery: User Guide

For example, setting up a gallery with the tag Gallery1 would allow for any image with the same tag to appear in any widget with that gallery assigned. You can add multiple tags to a single gallery with commas between tags.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokgallery/rokgallery_administrator.md
Score 353.6

Ricochet: Recreating the Demo

Introduction Recreating features of the demo site used to show off some of the more interesting aspects of Ricochet can be done fairly easily. All you need is the right extensions and settings, and you should be able to reproduce most (if not all) of the elements found in our demo site.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/ricochet/demo.md
Score 353.5

What Do You Do if Your WordPress Site Has Been Hacked?

Otherwise, you can employ the services of an expert to do it all for you at a cost. Whomever you choose should be trustworthy as trusting another person is tantamount to increasing the risk of being hacked in the future.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/214-what-do-you-do-if-your-wordpress-site-has-been-hacked
Score 352.2

RokSprocket: Frequently Asked Questions

You can click the little clipboard located to the right of the shortcode to have it copy the code directly to your clipboard. From there, you will need to go to your article editing screen and add the shortcode where you would like it to appear in your module.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/faq.md
Score 351.8

Useful Chrome Extensions for Productivity

Chrome has become a dominant browser in the desktop market in recent years, overtaking Internet Explorer and Firefox according to popular trackers including: StatCounter, W3Counter, and Wikimedia which frequently publishes traffic analysis to the public.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/139-useful-chrome-extensions-for-productivity