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Score 22.7

Gantry5: Regarding Backward Compatibility

What Will Happen to Gantry 4 and its Existing Themes? RocketTheme is dedicated to not only supporting existing templates and themes built on the Gantry 4 Framework, but in continuing to improve and update these products alongside Gantry5 for the foreseeable future.

Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/171-gantry5-regarding-backward-compatibility
Score 22.7

Audacity: Recreating the Demo - Copyright

Copyright Section Gantry Branding [35%, 5%, se] Gantry Copyright [35%, 38%, se] Gantry To Top [35%, 92%, se] Here is the widget breakdown for the Footer section: Gantry Branding Gantry Divider Gantry Copyright Gantry Divider Gantry To Top Gantry Branding The Gantry Branding widget does

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4audacity/demo_copyright.md
Score 22.6

Chapelco: Recreating the Demo - Main Top

Set the Title Variation option to Title 5. Enter icon-star featuretitle fp-maintop hidden-phone in the Custom Variations field. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/chapelco/demo_maintop.md
Score 22.6

Chimera: Recreating the Demo - Copyright

Here is a breakdown of the settings we used: Field Setting Icon 1 fa fa-twitter Text 1 Link 1 https://twitter.com/rockettheme Icon 2 fa fa-facebook Text 2 Link 2 https://www.facebook.com/RocketTheme Icon 3 fa fa-rss Text 3 Link 3 http

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4chimera/demo_copyright.md
Score 22.6

Chapelco: Recreating the Demo - Template Overview

option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=6&amp;Itemid=113">Gantry 4<span class="hidden-tablet"> Core</span></a></h3> <p>Gantry 4 Framework powering all standardized features and functions.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/chapelco/demo_module_12.md
Score 22.5

Ximenia: Recreating the Demo - Copyright

Copyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Copyright Gantry Divider Gantry To Top Gantry Divider Gantry Branding The Copyright section remains the same for all areas of the site. Because of this, it is preserved as a Default widget override.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ximenia/demo_copyright.md
Score 22.5

Clarion: Recreating the Demo - Copyright

Copyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Copyright Gantry Divider Gantry To Top Gantry Divider Gantry Branding The Copyright section remains the same for all areas of the site. Because of this, it is preserved as a Default widget override.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/clarion/demo_copyright.md
Score 22.5

Halcyon: Recreating the Demo - Copyright

Copyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Copyright Gantry Divider Gantry To Top Gantry Divider Gantry Branding The Copyright section remains the same for all areas of the site. Because of this, it is preserved as a Default widget override.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/halcyon/demo_copyright.md
Score 22.5

Ionosphere: Recreating the Demo - Copyright

Copyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Copyright Gantry Divider Gantry To Top Gantry Divider Gantry Branding The Copyright section remains the same for all areas of the site. Because of this, it is preserved as a Default widget override.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ionosphere/demo_copyright.md
Score 22.5

Lumiere: Recreating the Demo - FP Showcase - RokSprocket Features

option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=6&amp;Itemid=113' class='big-button readon'>Take a Tour Now <span class='icon-play'></span></a> </p> Preset Styles <p class='promo1 rt-center nomarginbottom'><span class='hidden-tablet'>Advanced </span

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/lumiere/demo_module_1.md