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Your Guide to Using the Corvus Style for phpBB.


Corvus is a phpBB style focused on content. It is built with rich media and text blocks on a foundation of detailed design elements. This style spruces up your forum with easily configured items.

Integrated styling is provided for extensions in its various layout types, such as Tabs and Headlines. Corvus is based on the RokBB Framework, and has varying other features available.


  • WebFont based Imageset and Icons
  • Google Web Fonts Support
  • Responsive and Fixed Layouts
  • 10 Styled & Numerous Structural Module Suffixes
  • RokNavMenu Exporter Support
  • RokBridge support
  • Demo settings applied automatically
  • 8 Preset Styles
  • Tabs & Headlines Integrated
  • RokBB 5 Framework
  • phpBB 3.0.12 Compatible
  • Various Configurable Module Positions
  • LoadTransitions
  • Customizable layout options
  • Firefox, Opera, Safari 4, IE8+ Compatible

NOTE: RokBB 5.0.4+ is required for Corvus to work correctly. For more details on installing RokBB, please visit the Administrative Module installation guide. Also, this style presently only supports phpBB 3.0 and is not currently available for phpBB 3.1.

WebFonts Imageset and Icons

Corvus supports WebFonts-based scalable vector icons. No images are used in this style. All icons and imagesets have been converted into sprites. This adds some new indicators (poll icon, unapproved icon, etc.) in addition to other useful features.

For example: Installing matching language imagesets is not needed as we removed text and replaced it with pictographic language.

Responsive Layout

Corvus' responsive grid system is designed for desktops, tablets, and smartphones -- each with minor modifications to enhance compatibility in each mode.

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