might wanna bookmark that if you are having trouble.
That's perfect!
My suggestion would be to add this link to the bubble. I now see that the "Account" link is down in the footer, but I was so focused on my struggle to get the new login bubble to work that I didn't think to look down there.
Also, I suggest a modification to the bubble so that it doesn't disappear once it has focus. It is possible to get halfway through a mouse-driven login in google chrome. The user can right-click in the username field, and execute a "paste" operation, but after that the bubble just disappears. The experience is like being in a nice restaurant, seeing your food arrive on the table, getting the first delicious bite into your mouth — only to see the waiter swoop in and remove your plate before you can get your fork back down to get your second bite.
In IE, I can get all the way through a mouse driven login, because the "paste" item displayed by right clicking happens to fall within the boundary of the bubble, so the XY coordinates of the pointer don't necessarily leave the area bounded by the bubble. But you have to be careful piloting the mouse, and avoid any "loopy" movements.
In Firefox, as described above, it is not even possible to begin a mouse driven login, because although it is possible to display the right click menu, any movement of the mouse whatsoever will cause the bubble to be hidden, regardless of the XY coordinates.
I know it won't be an issue for most of your customers, since by definition we are all web savvy to one degree or another, but I advocate considering the use case where the consultant might be at a client site, and asked to use a client's machine for a moment during a demo or something. If the client site has strict security and javascript is restricted to trusted domains, or locked down completely, it looks really silly if the web application is rendered completely useless by virtue of the most basic business functions (logging in, getting message notifications, etc.) not being available in the usual location.
Like I said, it probably won't be an issue, because it is a stretch to imagine needing to log into rockettheme.com during a demo on a client's machine, but it is not impossible to imagine a scenario where I am trying to show off my quality vendors to a more technical person, and being presented with a situation where I am frustrated by a login panel that disappears while I'm trying to use it.
That would kind of undercut the message of "technical mastery" that I'm trying to present, which is why I'm a RocketTheme customer to begin with.
In an effort to make things a bit simpler, i have increased the 'mouseover' target area, so it's very easy to activate, and keep the dropdown activated. Not perfect, but we're getting there
I'm still experiencing the "right click, paste my username or password, dialog disappears" usability issue that I posted about above. Firefox and Chrome, current versions. Still loving the
link though.
Another moment of confusion I just experienced: I saw the "Info / LogOff" item, and it looked like a link, so I clicked on it. Nothing happened of course. My brain would have understood if the label had been "Login Panel" instead. Just a little feedback, no big deal.