As you will undoubtedly have noticed we've been having issues with our Demo server since about 11:15PM MST last night. I was hosting the demo server at another service provider, not "The Planet" as we use for everything else. I just had not moved it over yet. Anyway, long story short, that server went belly up, causing a massive loss of data including backups stored on a mirrored drive. Needless to say that hosting provider is no longer on our books, and we've purchased a new server at The Planet exclusively for demos and have used our very own RocketLauncher packages to restore the last year of templates. We will be going back and adding the other templates over the next few days so please have patience with us. Thanks.
The member formerly known as Roland Deschain After your question is solved, please Edit your original post and choose the Solved message icon, thank you!
Good to hear Andy. Mind telling us who your last hosts were so that we can avoid them? Machines die all the time... thats to be expected, but for the backups to be destroyed as well... thats just criminal >
Now that you are unfortunately in the throws of rebuilding the demo.server site, any chance of sharing the steps in the process for those of us who would like our own small scale portfolio "demo.server"?
The Planet is the one and ONLY place to go......learned this the hard way...
We should start a "Hosting Nightmares" thread for kicks....someone else start it first blood pressure can't take the stress...!
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
The Planet is the one and ONLY place to go......learned this the hard way...
We should start a "Hosting Nightmares" thread for kicks....someone else start it first blood pressure can't take the stress...!
I am |<- this ->| close to finally getting my first Joomla host, and I planned to go with Rochen; why is the Planet the "one and ONLY place to go?"