Guys well done this is I believe the best of them yet!
I had been checking Rocket them for almost a year before I joined, and it was the versatality templates that roped me in.
This V O R T E X well damn!!! hats off!
Slim box no works in those awefull wysiwig editors!
The slider.and tabs was a great addition, not having to load these manually is way cool!
The color variations are outstanding!
4 read em 4 module - highlight suffixesisisis the best touch was just icing on the cake!
On a side note my membership is due on the 6th and as long as I get paid this week...I hate the beginning of the year! I will definately be upgrading to a pro account! RT Rocks
Don't think, Feeeeel... It is like a finger pointing to the moon. (slap) Don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all that heavenly glory.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys this is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i totally agree with John Sanchez, i wish my members could forgive me for re-designing my own site now with this as it fits so well!!!!
Andy and co congrats, in my view this is the best yet!!!!!!
I've said it already but looking through the template demo, its clear the massive improvements from when you guys first started out to now. Everytime a template is released, its far surpasses the other ones. The only prob is having to keep changing every month.
Andy: Thank you. Since my 1 year website anniversary is coming up, this template will be a great way to "celebrate" by doing a face-lift! Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous! ;D
Thanks for the kind words guys. I know this was a bit of a rough initiation into the world of RT templates for Kevin because it was a very complex one with lots of different bits all working together, and heaven knows I was fighting IE the whole way. But we're both pleased as punch at how it turned out. And just so glad everyone likes it!