Okay everybody, I split your posts from the Solved thread to a new thread so we can get some insight on Smartloads Xpath Exclusion Ignores.
If your having a problem with images that possibly are being affected by Smartload (a very handy feature to load images that only display on the clients screen monitor area. Helps site load where there are a lot of images) there are some options for you.
Option 1: Upgrade to Gantry 3.1.3 or later versions as it has bug fixes for SmartLoad.
Gantry v3.1.3 available here.
Option 2:
Specify a size for your images, so instead of just this:<img src="images/stories/demo/some-picture-of-mine.jpg" />
use width and height attributes:<img src="images/stories/demo/some-picture-of-mine.jpg" width="360" height="240" />
Option 3:
If that didn't work, then try to force the issue by adding some in-line styling:<img src="images/stories/demo/some-picture-of-mine.jpg" width="360" height="240" style="width:360px; height:240px;" />
Option 4:
If that didn't work, then go to Admin -> Extensions -> Template Manager -> rt_"template-name"_j15 -> Features -> Smartload -> SHOW=Off and turn Off Smartload.
Option 5:
You want the feature but want to exclude certain images. For this we need to add the appropriate CSS path (Xpath) into the dialog box for Admin -> Extensions -> Template Manager -> rt__j15 -> Features -> Smartload -> Xpath Ignores
Okay...How do I find this path?
You use FireBug, check my sig for links. Firebug is used in Firefox browsers.
So lets say the image in blue is being affected by Smartload and I want to Xpath exclude it. E.g.
This image is hidden for guests.
Please log in or register to see it.
Now if I fire up FireBug and right click on the image ->"Inspect Element" my Firebug inspection screen looks like this:
This image is hidden for guests.
Please log in or register to see it.
You can see Smartload is active on this image by seeing the red-lined codesmartload="x"
So looking at this the closest containing <div> for our image is the one defined with the classrotator-preview-img
so we'll choose this one to add to our Xpath dialog.
At this point our Xpath dialog probably looks like this:ul.menutop,div.roktabs-wrapper,span.image,div.fusion-submenu-wrapper,.module-content ul.menu .image,.roknewspager-div a,#rokintroscroller
So we add in our new Xpath separated with a comma from the preceding Xpath's -> like this:ul.menutop,div.roktabs-wrapper,span.image,div.fusion-submenu-wrapper,.module-content ul.menu .image,.roknewspager-div a,#rokintroscroller,.feature-block .image-full,.rotator-preview-img
After we save and reload our page and inspect with Firebug, we get this result:
This image is hidden for guests.
Please log in or register to see it.
Now our image won't be affected by Smartload.
For some tutorials on FireBug by James S! see ->