gonna go out on a limb here . If it still happens maybe add .avatar to your xpath exlusions as I can see your online module is calling the smart load . Maybe a confliction?
The section you are saying isnt being controlled by smart load , or at least the source says its not
EDIT:- Yes the source says it is not running smartload although if you scroll to the bottom of the page in firefox , Clear your cache then refresh the page , then scroll up the profile av is definately still smart loading . Got me stumped . Maybe the Avatar thumbnail has something to do with it . clutching at staws here lol
EDIT 2 :- Maybe exclude this one as well .mod_onlineusers
EDIT 3 :- Now the page says it is running smart load ugh . Seems to be hit and miss<img class="" smartload="3" src="http://www.xboxuserspace.com/images/avatar/41c1b0c6d30519ea265298a3.jpg" alt="ismadman" style="padding: 2px; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); visibility: visible; opacity: 1;" height="auto" width="auto">
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