MariO wrote:
I think that the problem is Folder Ownership (chown) because my jftp is enabled but all folders are still unwritable from within joomla
I have some sites on Joomla and for a while anytime they did upgrades on their servers, it would rewrite the permissions of my folders and I couldn't do anything...and my sites would either act weird or not show up at all.
Are you on a typical cPanel install or does this company have their own control panel set up.
NOTE: Many companies call their custom control panels their cPanels, but cPanel is actually a specific software. I'm stating this because when I started setting up websites I fell for this and told everyone I was using cPanel. Not saying this is what's going on, just wanted to share my experience because I think it's funny now.
Back on topic, cPanel run sites are less likely to experience this directory owner mishap while custom control panels are extremely likely to experience this. Good catch if that was the issue. I'd let my web host know about the issue and in kind but unforgiving way.
One way to test this is whether or not you can ftp to the directories. It usually throws an error if you don't own the directory.