I had the usual trouble that everyone experiences using monoslideshow and firefox mac - ie 7 works nicely - firefox mac - nicely - mac - forget about it.
in reading something about litebox - I discovered that by unpublishing the litebox mambot - presto - it worked.
Problem is that I have so much content with litebox - which I will either have to change or not use monoslideshow - which the client loves.
Does anyone know a fix with litebox - and is it agreed that litebox is causing the conflcit?
I installed and looked at simple gallery - not really a replacement - correct me if I a wrong, but this is for calling to a folder rather than a specific image -
I scoured colormatic for a reference to litebox and flash conflict in firefox 2.0 for mac?/
Keen to know if anyone has found a solution - or can confidently state that there is no fix and then I will have to change my setup - it would be too bad as monoslideshow look great and the litebox is working very well too -
have you used the code transparant inside the object of flash? To get behind menu?
I have looked at a safari with apple (old one) and see that the menu is just fine at version 3 of the template