I've followed the guide listed from Kat05, but it appears that I'm having some serious placement issues with both the 'arrows' and the content for the module RokStories that fits into the 'showcase-a' position.
Here is my site: nevermind
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Also, it appears that my version of rokstories is significantly different because I had additional options not listed. But, this seems more like a CSS issue...
** Okay, it must be some kind of cache issue, because it is only prevalent in my safari browser, but yet fine on firefox. Also, in safari, if I hit arrow back (on the module) it reverts to the proper placement, until i refresh the page again.
This is def. an issue with safari, chrome, and android. The page displays properly for IE, and Firefox on first load, however with the former it is required that I change the pagnation either forward or backward.
Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated. I would write this off as browser incompatability, however it works fine for the demo... So IDK
I've searched on the forum, and it appears others have had similar issues with rokstories and placement issues.
I've reformatted the content several times now, however it is still producing the same results. I'm going to try disabling all gantry cache/gzip options to see if this helps.
I turned off the cache options, both in the template as well as with the stories module. It appeared to have fixed it temporarily on initial load, but after I refresh the page it happens again...
I'm going to try and load up the original content as well (the one you posted in the how-to guide)