In the Afterburner2 template, how do you change the "Designed by Rockettheme" link? In the Template manager / features section you get to change the copyright name but not the link. where does this happen?
I'm not necessarily looking for something for nothing. I was a RT developer member up until a couple of years ago and am contemplating a return. I thought I would try the latest from RT before committing once again.
Go into your Template Manager
Click on Afterburner2
Click on the 'Features' tab
Set the 'Copyright' show option to "OFF" or change your text accordingly.
Then you can create a new Custom HTML module, enter your desired information
Set the position of the newly created module to 'footer-a' and 'voila'
The reason I prefer doing this way is because I can easily customize everything within the module such as inserting an image, a link, etc...