Ryan Simmons wrote:
I didn't realize the HTML provided in the documentation needed to get copy-and-pasted into each description field. Indeed, when I added the HTML code, the images showed up correctly. Unfortunately, I'm handing this site over to computer illiterate users once the site is finished. Having them copy-and-paste HTML each and every time they want to create a slide is a really horrible idea, and for this particular client, won't work at all as a good solution.
At this point, I'm going to strip out the RokSprocket module and stick with a more user friendly slider module that is simpler to use out of the gate (probably something like DJ Image Slider). I wish I could use this... it does look really nice with all the added customization.
Lets start over. The DJ Image Slider is just a slideshow extension as is our RokSprocket Slideshow layout module. DJ Image Slider CANNOT do what RokSprocket Tabs layout module does, that is in tabbed panels present content to the user.
The Front Page of Lexicon was setup to show the versatility of the RokSprocket Tabs layout module. Using, more commonly the Joomla provider, allows you to insert the contents of articles in the tabbed panels. You can even insert a RokSprocket Slideshow layout or DJ Image Slider modules in the tabbed panels. In Lexicons case we kept it simple and just created a description that inserted an image for each tabbed panel.
So your welcome to use any slideshow extension you wish with our templates but none of them will do what the RokSprocket Tabs layout module does.