Ah, it's because your subscription is expired...
You may not be able to see the image, but here's the post:
If you recently applied the SUPEE-6788 security patch and noticed that your HomepageGrid, a RokMageModule, wasn't displaying after the patch, have no fear, it's a simple fix to get it back.
//You may also have simply installed any Magento version from onward and run into this same issue
The HomepageGrid is called via this line of code in your CMS Pages > Home Page
{{block type="catalog/product_list" name="rokmage_homepage_grid" template="rokmagemodules/rokmage-homepagegrid/rokmage-homepage-grid.phtml"}}
You need to ensure that the block type, in this case catalog/product_list, is added in your Allowed Blocks.
Go to System > Permissions > Blocks and see if you see it in there, if not, add it with the Add New Block button on the right.
You are not authorised to see this attachment.
Flush your cache and you should be good to go
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