Hi people, here goes a step-by-step tutorial of how to update your template icons to Fontawesome 4.2.
Before start, make a backup of your site files, this has worked for me, but maybe won't work for you.
1. Update your Gantry version in Joomla Admin > Extensions > Template Manager > Styles (pick your template) > Overview > Update (on right side of page).
2. Download de last version of Fontawesome:
3. Extract the ZIP file to your computer.
4. Open the the fonts directory from the download and copy all 5 files to replace the existing files in:/libraries/gantry/assets/jui/fonts/font-awesome4/
5. Open the less directory from the download and copy all 13 files to replace the existing files in:/libraries/gantry/assets/jui/less/font-awesome4/
6. Open the variables.less file from step 5 folder and at line 4 find the following code:@fa-font-path: "../fonts";
7. Replace it with:@fa-font-path: "../../../libraries/gantry/assets/jui/fonts/font-awesome4";
8. Open the ../less/global.less file of your template.
9. Find:
(Old templates)@import "jui/less/font-awesome.less";
(New templates)@import "jui/less/font-awesome/font-awesome.less";
10. Replace it with:@import "jui/less/font-awesome4/font-awesome.less";
And that's all!
After all, remember to clear the cache in Joomla Admin > System > Clear Cache to get new icons working.
And remember to use "fa fa-ICONNAME" instead of "icon-ICONNAME".
For example: "fa fa-rss", "fa fa-facebook", etc.
Here is the list of all icons:
Credits to
David Goode
I hope this can help someone! =)
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