Gantry doesen't show changes that were made and saved
Posted 2 years 7 months ago
Gantry doesen't show changes that were made and saved on a website.
We were doing a redesign of a website
that was on Litespeed web server.
We have moved it because our clients asked us to do us although it was not completely finished.
Here is how the new server works:
cPanel Version 104.0 (build 7)
Apache Version 2.4.54
PHP Version 7.2.34
MySQL Version 5.6.51
Architecture x86_64
Operating System linux
Perl Version 5.16.3
Kernel Version 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64
Please tell me if i should remove this, or if you think that it should not be seen public, please hide it.
Now for example on German version here
next to the social icons we have put EN and SR links like they can be seen on Serbian version of website (link in the first sentence.)
Next, on English version of website here
the same thing, only that it is on some pages showing only a link to Serbian version of website, there is no "DE" link. Also not on all pages.
Next thing is problem with publications on English version of this site.
Everything is set the same i think in Aurora theme/page settings or some other button there, never mind.
Re: Gantry doesen't show changes that were made and saved
Posted 2 years 7 months ago
Gosh that PHP version is very old.
Please post login details in secure tab of your reply. Also please provide FTP login too.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
Re: Gantry doesen't show changes that were made and saved
Posted 2 years 7 months ago
So, I checked the social particle on the German version "home" outline (which is in turn inherited from base outline). Although you had added the items and the link you had not added the text and title fields. Once I added these then the items show just fine.
For the English blog, the articles are archived articles. If you look on the "blog" outline "content" tab you will see towards the bottom of the page that there are seperate settings for archived posts. Here you have to specify excert type and enable readmore. I have done this for you and now it works fine too.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.