I am getting errors while trying to save/compile after modifying .less files of the gantry template.
Gor example, I followed the tutorial on gantry-framework.org to add the popup login module. The last element in there is to add the following line in less/template.less:
#rt-popuplogin {display: none;}
When I save the template.less file, CodeKit errors with:
NameError: .border-radius is undefined in /Volumes/Clients/htdocs/ergonomiq/domains/clients/sosd25/templates/gantry/less/joomla-core.less:252:3
251 list-style: none;
252 .border-radius(4px);
253 a {
It is complaining that the .border-radius mixin that is called in the file joomla-core.less isn't defined.
.border-radius is defined in libraries/gantry/assets/jui/less/mixins.less.
That file is referenced in two files:
and in both places, it is referenced with the import statement:@import "jui/less/mixins.less";
The problem is that LESS imports code using relative paths and
is not in the relative path hierarchy of
templates/gantry/less/bootstrap.less or templates/gantry/less/joomla/2.5/bootstrap.less
So, now that I've laid out the landscape, my question.
How does Gantry handle this situation, and how do I solve this so I can use a preprocessor such as CodeKit?