I am finding a discrepancy between the list of icons found on the font-awesome website and the list of icons apparently available to gantry through the font-awesome.less file. I am using gantry 4.1.5.
Does the font-awesome library need to be updated to version 3.0? Is that something I need to do manually? If so, could you please point me to the instructions?
in theory the modifications should not be overridden because they are on the custom files. However, if the modification was to fix gantry to the new 3.0.2 those edits could conflict with the edits that are made in the tutorial and should then be able to be turned off at that point anyway.
I followed your instructions for the font-awesome.less modifications.
I even changed out the fontawesome-webfont.eot, .svg, .ttf, .woff files but I am unable to display any icons beyond line 506 in the font-awesome.less file.