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SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

  • SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
    • Hi there,
      I am frustrated that there is no option to export and backup all the template settings and particles. I honestly cannot see myself using particles instead of custom modules until a facility is implemented to back it all up. If I uninstall the wrong template by mistake, which can easily be done after yer had a few drinks etc on the weekend, I have lost everything. All my particles...gone.

      Is there a way to do this easily in MyPHPAdmin without breaking the template please?
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    Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
    • RedRum wrote:
      If I uninstall the wrong template by mistake, which can easily be done after yer had a few drinks etc on the weekend, I have lost everything. All my particles...gone.

      This might be an incorrect assumption on your part and I want to correct that so there is no misunderstanding.
      This possibly might happen with templates prior to Salient as we used a lot of Gantry 5 Modules-type: particle directly in the Layout.

      However with Salient we used actual module position's in the Outline's layout. So with this scenario where you've defined a Gantry 5 Modules-type: particle to be in the "showcase-a" module position and you have in your Outline -> Showcase section -> BLOCK: module position particle = "showcase-a" you really can't do what your describing.

      If you uninstalled Salient then yes you would lose the Salient YAML files that would reference a module position "showcase-a" in that layout file. So its now gone and you install Kraken. It too in its Outlines has a module position particle in the Showcase section called "showcase-a" which means it would just pick up whatever module you had defined for the "showcase-a" module position.

      The reason this works so well is that Joomla Module setups are still defined in the Database so the Outline seeing a valid module position in its layout goes to the DB and uses the Module that is defined for the Outlines module position particle.
  • Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
    • Thanks for your reply Dan.


      I installed a rocket launcher for Photon.
      Edited all the particles in the module manager.
      Decided I wanted to try another template instead of photon.
      Uninstalled Photon and installed Gatatea.
      Realized I have no particles in my module manager.
      Banged my head repeatedly against the wall.

      I really think it would be helpful to have an Export/Import settings option added to Gantry 5.

      What possible reason could RT have for deciding not to implement this feature?
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    Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
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    Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
    • RedRum wrote:
      Thanks for your reply Dan.


      I installed a rocket launcher for Photon.
      Edited all the particles in the module manager.
      Decided I wanted to try another template instead of photon.
      Uninstalled Photon and installed Gatatea.
      Realized I have no particles in my module manager.
      Banged my head repeatedly against the wall.

      I really think it would be helpful to have an Export/Import settings option added to Gantry 5.

      What possible reason could RT have for deciding not to implement this feature?

      My experience was somewhat different than yours.
      Here was my scenario:

      - installed the Photon RocketLauncher
      - copied the [JOOMLA-ROOT]\templates\rt_photon\particles folder to a location OUTSIDE the "rt_photon" folder
      - installed the Galatea template
      - From Extension Manager I uninstalled the "rt_photon" template
      - in the Joomla Module Manager screen -> Select Type = Gantry 5 Particle I saw all the Galatea particles
      - I deleted the [JOOMLA-ROOT]\templates\rt_galatea\particles folder
      - the Joomla Module Manager screen still showed all the particles but when you tried to edit one there was a 404 error. Understandable, I believe this listing is derived from the Database and not our files.
      - copied my previously saved Photon Particle folder back to [JOOMLA-ROOT]\templates\rt_galatea\
      - I tried about 4 particles and all were perfectly editable.

      A few interesting things I learnt:

      - transporting particles from one template to another is as easy as saving the old particle folder and copying it to the new template. As a guide to what particles belong to what template please see the guide
      Gantry 5 Template Particles

      - our Particle files don't have any "hard references" so transporting particles is relatively easy. As an example of this please see the guide AMP Series - Particle Integration Guides
      - there are actually a few "Default Particles" as when I deleted the "rt-galatea" particle folder and in the Joomla Module Manager screen went to create a new particle, these were offered: Branding, Copyright, Custom HTML, Date, Logo/Image, Menu, Mobile Menu, Social, To Top
      - with our latest template Photon I noticed that some of the particles had been tweaked in comparison to the older versions in Galatea.
      I will be writing a guide about updating older particle sets so Stay Tuned!
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  • Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
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    Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 8 years 11 months ago
    • RedRum wrote:
      pushing up daisies!

      That was a great show ;)
  • Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 1 year 1 month ago
    • Now that we're past 5.4, has this ever materialized? I can't seem to find it in the documentation.
    • Matt's Avatar
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    Re: SOLVED Export/Backup Template Settings

    Posted 1 year 1 month ago
    • All of your template settings are written to various sub-folders and YAML files in the the /custom/config/ folder. Gantry is a flat file system, it stores everything there.

      Given the age of this thread I'm going to lock it now. If you have a new issue/concern in regards to your Epsilon Theme license please post in the Epsilon Joomla forums
    • SEARCH the forum first! These boards are rich in knowledge and vast in topics. This includes searching just the 'Solved' forums, using Google, and using ChatGPT :woohoo:

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