Please, only one issue per thread... it becomes not only difficult to keep track of multiple issues in a threaded forum but it also muddies the thread for future users searching out issues...
Yes, right, sorry.
No, we don't recommend you ever directly our .scss files... when you upgrade the template you'll lose any changes you've made to core template files... new files you place in the custom/ subfolders won't be overwritten though... hence why we recommend to use the template/custom/scss/custom.scss approach
Yes, I get that. I was not talking about editing your scss files. But another css file which is here :
Right after installing the Callisto template, this css folder does not exist. I created it manually and saved the flexicontent.css inside. It is used to override the flexicontent css.
What I meant is that I used this flexicontent.css file to override some Gantry's css as well.
And well, it worked.
I guess that those css instructions won't be integrated in your css-compiled files, they should work as "traditionnal" css, overriding your css-compiled files.
My question was : is it a potential problem ? Or would it be still better to add those css in the custom/css-compiled/scss/custom.scss file, so that they are "compiled" with the other Callisto css ?
Am I clearer ? 
(If I'm not, just check the green elements on the screen capture).
no, my "Super User" is black... maybe that's a property of your multilanguage/non-english site... but it's not a selectable/editable/clickable field in any regards so the impact would be none.
Yes, I guess this is not a big deal as such, just wondering if this was some "bad" sign… OK, let's drop this one 
You likely have a 3rd party component that is styling your input fields differently than the Template/Gantry would normally... perhaps your flexicontent extension or some other extension that care about/styles input fields...
Thank you for showing me the way.
After some "explorations" with Firebug, it seems that those input fields have a styled height (20px).
I created an override to mention height:auto and things go back to normal.
What I don't understand is that the 20px height come from site/media/jui/css/bootstrap.min.css.
And this file is both present on my site and on a "virgin" test site I created with your Rocketlauncher.
Maybe it's installed by default by Joomla, that flexicontent calls this file and you don't ?