Gantry 5 Font Families using http instead of https for Google Fonts
Posted 9 years 9 months ago
Basically what the subject says. Gantry 5 Font settings with Callisto template at least are trying to load Google Fonts on page via http instead of https when the page is loaded via https. I'm having to use the Yireo SSL Redirect plugin to get it to work properly (Google Chrome does not like insecure resource loading through CSS and blocks them by default now). I don't want to set the entire site to https, either, just the administration section.
Google Fonts should by default use // instead of http:// or https:// I think.
Also, is there a way to set the fallback fonts when using Google Fonts? It does not appear to let you as the Font Families settings get passed directly to Google Fonts, so I can't set the Google Font and then Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif as the fallback font, for example - it tries to pass all of that to Google. I think these need to be separate fields (along with a way to set the base font size and line height!) in Gantry 5.
Re: Gantry 5 Font Families using http instead of https for Google Fonts
Posted 9 years 9 months ago
Have you set "Force SSL" in global configuration for "entire site"?
Regards, Mark.
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Re: Gantry 5 Font Families using http instead of https for Google Fonts
Posted 9 years 9 months ago
No, I do not want the entire site under SSL as it makes it slower. But the CSS shouldn't be depending entirely on that setting - it should use whatever the page is rendered as, for Google Fonts specifically, as well as that setting. So if the page is under SSL, it should render the links as SSL for those. It's the intelligent way for the code to handle it, in my opinion. Either that or there should be a specific setting in Gantry/Callisto that lets you change that for external resource files.
Regarding the fallback - you wouldn't need this if the google font worked anyway? But really you should raise any issue you believe you have on Ganty 5 Github - Gantry 5 itself is supported there - There's also the Gantry 5 chatroom too where you can talk directly with our developers
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.