The following users have thanked you: Amanda Doane
{% extends '@nucleus/partials/particle.html.twig' %}
{% block particle %}
{% if particle.title %}<h2 class="g-title">{{ particle.title|raw }}</h2>{% endif %}
<div class="g-contact {{ particle.class|e }}">
{% set contactmap %}
{% for map in particle.maps %}
<div class="g-contact-map" style="background: url('{{ url(map.img)|e }}') no-repeat; min-height: {{ map.height|e }}">
{% if map.overlay %}
<div class="g-contact-map-overlay"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if map.marker %}
<div class="g-contact-map-marker" style="top: {{|e }};left: {{ map.left|e }}">
<i class="{{ map.icon|e }}"></i>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% if particle.mapposition == 'top' %}
{{ contactmap }}
{% endif %}
{% for contactitem in particle.contactitems %}
<div class="g-contact-item">
{% if contactitem.icon %}<div class="g-contact-icon"><span class="{{ contactitem.icon }}"></span></div>{% endif %}
{% if contactitem.label %}<div class="g-contact-label">{{ contactitem.label|raw }}</div>{% endif %}
{% if contactitem.text %}<div class="g-contact-text">{{ contactitem.text|raw }}</div>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if particle.mapposition == 'bottom' %}
{{ contactmap }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
type: input.text
label: Title
description: Customize the title text.
placeholder: Enter title
type: input.imagepicker
label: Promo Image
description: Select desired promo image.
type: input.text
label: Title
description: Customize the title text.
placeholder: Enter title
type: input.url
label: Url
description: Url for the image. Leave empty to go to home page.
type: input.imagepicker
label: Promo Image
description: Select desired promo image.
<span class="g-promoimage-iconbutton {{ particle.iconbutton|e }}"></span>
<div class="g-promoimage-caption">
<span class="g-promoimage-iconbutton {{ particle.iconbutton|e }}"></span>
<a href="{{|e }}"><img src="{{ url(particle.image)|e }}" alt="{{ particle.title|e }}"></a>
<div class="g-promoimage-caption">
Time to create page: 0.083 seconds