I have a particle called "container" in the salient template. That I would like to only show to guests and people that are not logged in. However, I cannot find the settings to modify access to the particle. Because it is not technically a module I do not, and did not expect to see it in the module manager. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can change this?
Here is the particle I am working with:
This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.
I would like to create another instance of "SideLeft" that will show once the user is logged in. The plan is for it to state that registration is required to see the content, but there is no reason to tell them that once they are already registered and logged in.
Re: Particle block access settings. Can they be modified?
Posted 9 years 5 months ago
Access levels are strictly a Joomla responsibility so that's why our particles have no setting for this. There is an easy solution. Instead of using the particle Directly in your Layout Manager, assign a Module position or Module Instance to where you had the particle. Then in the Module Manager -> NEW -> Gantry 5 particle -> create your particle type.
Now you will be able to control access levels for the module position -> particle.