The Assets area works in a similar function and is a nice way to organize individual scripts and has a clean way of loading 3rd party external scripts. You can also set Load Priority amongst your scripts this way.
Most scripts need to load on every page so the approach of using your Base Outline and one of these 3 areas works well enough to ensure this happens, just make sure that your inheriting these sections from your other Outlines; which is the default behavior. If you do need to load non-global scripts on specific Outlines the Assets area can usually work well enough for this, just be mindful that you would no longer be inheriting your other scripts in this area from the Base Outline (once your check the box to no longer inherit) and so any changes you make to those Base Outline scripts will not be reflected/inherited automatically anymore... THIS is where the Custom CSS/JS Atom can come into play... I find that if I have an Outline that needs a new, non-global, script added, and I'm already loading global scripts from the Assets area, that it often makes sense to do it through the Custom CSS/JS Atom so I can keep inheriting everything else from the Base Outline... AND Atoms can be inherited from ANY other Outline whereas the Assets and the Head/Body properties can only inherit from the Base Outline.
Different options for different scenarios; hopefully that helps.
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