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Move item and description to the right in Owl Carousel

    • pranky's Avatar
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    Move item and description to the right in Owl Carousel

    Posted 1 month 2 weeks ago
    • Hello

      In Owl Carousel, all text (title, description) is centered in the browser.
      I'd like to move this text to the right as in the attached image
      I found this old article ( rockettheme.com/forum/gantry-solved-thre...o-owl-carousel-items ) which seems like a good place to start, but the zipped file to download no longer exists.
      Can you kindly help me in any way to solve?

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      hanks in advance
    • Matt's Avatar
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    Re: Move item and description to the right in Owl Carousel

    Posted 1 month 2 weeks ago
    • If this is related to one of your active theme descriptions please post in the respective forum for the theme for moderator support. Please provide a link to where your Owl Carouself can be seen with the centered text and please clarify if you want the text on the left or right... in your post you said right but in the attached image it's on the left.
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    Re: Move item and description to the right in Owl Carousel

    Posted 1 month 2 weeks ago
    • Good morning, Matt

      Thanks for answering my question.
      I'm using Helium, which has the particle Owl Carousel.
      The post should've been in the free particles section, so I apologize for the misunderstanding.
      Can you move this post, or should I create a new one?
      In the attached the text is left-aligned, which is what I'd like to do; I got confused when writing the post.

      Thank you
    • Matt's Avatar
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    Re: Move item and description to the right in Owl Carousel

    Posted 1 month 2 weeks ago
    • You can post pure-Gantry stuff here for sure, and anyone is welcome to reply. If you want Moderator support with a Theme, or Theme Particle, you need to have an active subscription and post on the Theme specific forum.

      I should note that custom development is still mostly outside of the scope of moderator support, Gantry provides likes of hooks and admin friendly development stuff for which we can point you in the right direction though... If it's something minor like this, where you just want some text to be aligned differently, we try and help out as resources allows.
    • SEARCH the forum first! These boards are rich in knowledge and vast in topics. This includes searching just the 'Solved' forums, using Google, and using ChatGPT :woohoo:
    • pranky's Avatar
    • pranky
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    Re: Move item and description to the right in Owl Carousel

    Posted 1 month 2 weeks ago
    • Thank you, Matt
      I hope someone will be able to help me at some point.
      I'll keep looking in the meantime.
      Thanks again and good work!

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