I have read through endless forum posts still not being able to find a solution to my problems so I thought I would post as a new topic and hopefully someone will be able to help.
I am continually getting two errors which are causing my site to crash.
They are:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'JFactory' not found in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/libraries/joomla/session/storage/database.php on line 71
PHP Fatal error: Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in /home/xxxx/public_html/libraries/rokcommon/include.php on line 24
Running the latest version of all RT extensions (manually updated) as well as latest version of Joomla 2.5.14 and have tried updating the database.php with a fresh copy but still not working.
If anyone has any suggestions / or has a fix that would be greatly appreciated. I'm now all out of ideas.
Note: I must mention - the site does work - but dies after clicking through about 3 - 4 pages...
Try to change the way your sessions are saved from database to a file. Also, check if your user account has right permissions on session save path folder. This is for the first error
How did you configure those articles you are showing with RokSprocket or galleries and images that you use with RokGallery?
1. I have had a quick look around (Google) do you have a link with more info regarding how to change sessions from database to a file. ( Is there more involved than just setting a writable "sessions" dir and changing the config file?
2. The content is written in "custom html" modules, some using Roksprocket setup using tabs. I was using images in a gallery for certain pages with RokGallery. But I have now completely removed the RokGallery module and still getting the errors.
1. there shouldn't be anything else beside those things you listed
2. try to disable RokSprocket module one by one until you find the one that is producing those errors. Also, I know you already wrote it but can you please confirm that you have version 2.02 of RokSprocket? Can you also try to reinstall the module once again?
Ok I have been going through the RokSproket modules turning them off one by one.. but as the problem is intermittent it is hard to tell which one is causing a problem (if any at all) ?
I force the site to crash - I disable a roksprocket module then the site loads... but Its not any particular module.. :/
I can confirm I have 2.02 version of RokSproket installed (manually) over the top.
Please post a URL to your site so we can look for you. Without a link to page where the problem is on your site it is quite hard for us to provide the best solution due to so many variables. We try to provide file names and line numbers for code changes and if changes have already been made then our advice may be incorrect.
As mentioned you may need to flick between a few pages for this to happen. It happens in the front end as well as when making changes to the website in administrator mode.