I want to put a div style around the article content, can a team member please tell me which file does rt_Fresco echo the content so I can go and add the div style before?
Thank you very much for your reply sir. In a few words, I want to add a div style, around article display (com_content), but I cant find where it is. When I use frescoblog, I found a way to add a div around festivals, by changing code in the file frescoblog_item.php , but I dont know where to put the div code when the full article is viewed.
I have checked the documentation helped me a lot, but when I change anything in there, it doesn't reflect to the article. Is this file the correct file?
I just saw it worked for other h2 of the website, but why not working for that article? The menu is under fresco blog menu. Do i have to change something else?
Here is the menu item type:
Articles ยป Fresco Blog