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Cupon Codes in Perks Page not Working

  • Cupon Codes in Perks Page not Working

    Posted 10 months 14 hours ago
    • Hi i tried 2 cupons that are not working.

      Could you check if the vendors are not offering discount anymore?

      If so you should delete those entries from the Perks Page.

      Thanks 4 support
    • Matt's Avatar
    • Matt
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    Re: Cupon Codes in Perks Page not Working

    Posted 9 months 4 weeks ago
    • which 2 did you try?
    • SEARCH the forum first! These boards are rich in knowledge and vast in topics. This includes searching just the 'Solved' forums, using Google, and using ChatGPT :woohoo:
  • Re: Cupon Codes in Perks Page not Working

    Posted 9 months 3 weeks ago
    • Hi Matt, i tried Weeblr and Web357.

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