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Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • Hi,

      sorry, Rockettheme has lost his communication with their customers.

      I am also an Developer an i canĀ“t say to my customers this week or mayby next week or... ???
      Grav is also not the measure of all things, please remember you have Joomla and Wordpress customers and come back to Design. The last Templates are really good in function, no question. But in my opinion the Design loses here.

      Best Regards
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • I'm sorry, but I let my subscription laps (did not renew).

      I hope to renew when RT comes back to the Glory.
      Right now, No Comms (left in the dark)

      And timelines are not acceptable...

      I'll be watching on the sidelines.

      I cannot fault the RT Community (The Best)...

      Thank you RT for all the years you've helped.
      I hope you can come back and be the best again..

      I'm out.
    • "A new Image for old Idea"
  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • MrT wrote:
      Guys - can I just remind everyone that you should not have an expectation that we release on the 1st of the month - we don't. We announced 9 months ago that we would be moving to a roughly 4-6 week release schedule...
      Regards, Mark.
      Hasn't it been "roughly" six weeks since the last template already? And just because you let everyone know that you changed the rules, an average release schedule of 6 weeks means less than 9 templates a year...I refrained from commenting on these threads for quite a long time, but just because your tweet it, "Mr President", doesn't make it right or true.
    • Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by StrataCorps.
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • However, we've known for several months now what their plan is. Not supporting their decision per se, but there are other choices out there, which if we're really unhappy, we should consider. Don't know if RT has outgrown its capacity or what, but perhaps if enough people say "enough" and especially if they say it with their money, maybe RT will change, maybe not. Call me cynical, but I'm interested to see how long it takes the Grav template to be released after the joomla, considering they say development and release comes first to joomla.
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    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • JMDonald wrote:
      Call me cynical, but I'm interested to see how long it takes the Grav template to be released after the joomla, considering they say development and release comes first to joomla.

      As of right now, this very moment, the new theme is only on Joomla. Porting a theme from Joomla to WordPress and Grav is a much faster process than it was with Gantry 4 as a good 95% of it gets moved over at once and the other 5% are for very specific differences in the CMS and how particles interact with it.

      There's no secret there. Gantry 5 is open source and anyone can take a look under the hood and see how quickly a conversion happens.

      To help you guys with an update, we are releasing the new theme presently for Joomla.

      We wanted to release this theme earlier, and we put in long nights to make that happen. During testing, we found that there was a way we could accomplish the animation feature that was better optimized for the client and more customizable for the developer. Instead of releasing a theme that was just "good enough" we decided to put in the work and make the change.

      WordPress and Grav versions of the theme will be released as they are ready. As I said before, that process is much faster than initial development - especially in Gantry 5.
    • Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by Ryan M Pierson. Reason: Clarified a word.
    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • Hi JMDonald,
      JMDonald wrote:
      However, we've known for several months now what their plan is.

      Our plan is to release templates as they are ready with a cycle of 4-6 weeks. As with many plans there are always elements that can and do go wrong. This adds to the production time and causes delays. It is that simple. No hidden agenda, no favourites etc.
      JMDonald wrote:
      Not supporting their decision per se, but there are other choices out there, which if we're really unhappy, we should consider.

      Nothing new there. Members have always had the choice to shop around. RocketTheme were on of the first clubs to poll members on the products and services we provide. As a result we introduced new plans and added focus to our support. I guess that is why so many members are happy to give us a chance and see what develops. ;)
      JMDonald wrote:
      Don't know if RT has outgrown its capacity or what, but perhaps if enough people say "enough" and especially if they say it with their money, maybe RT will change, maybe not.

      As I have always said, providing templates is gamble. Some people will like a release while others will hate it. Frequency of release will never change people's opinions on the usability of a template.
      JMDonald wrote:
      Call me cynical, but I'm interested to see how long it takes the Grav template to be released after the joomla, considering they say development and release comes first to joomla.

      Hello Cynical - as Ryan has already said, Joomla will be first and the others will follow once the extra work is done.

      We know some members are unhappy about the changes but we refuse to promise monthly deliveries when we know that rushing templates out before they are ready causes more problems than it solves. This only adds pressure to get the next one released when we have all been firefighting because a template went out before it was really ready.

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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • David and Ryan - thanks for the updates. In reality, aside from my comment about cynicism of the possible Grav release time, I was actually trying to say (apparently not too clearly) to the community that we all know RT's position and change in the release cycle and if it bothers us enough, we could always vote with our wallets, if not, then we should just wait for the releases and not get crazy when it's a day later than Kat implied.

      No, you're not going to please everyone all the time, no company does. And with some experience with several other joomla providers I can say without reservation that RT and InspireTheme stand so far above the others, it's not even close (think outstanding support!). Do I think RT might do a better job communicating and not just say "it's done when it's done"? I do. Do I understand their change in policy and focus on a flat-file system as well as joomla and WP? Absolutely. I honestly believe it isn't the amount of templates per year or the time in which they're released that get folk riled up, it's the feeling that there's not enough open communication about the process. Having said that, I know that as soon as you say, "the next template's coming along nicely, should be done in about a week" and then it's a few days later, many are going to cry foul. Guess what I'm saying is, I don't think I'd want to be in your shoes...kind of like weather people on TV, no matter what you say, half the crowd is going to be pissed. :-)

      BTW, the new template does look nice on a first quick look. Thanks
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • I think you wrong template, that is the 1990 version.
      Really 2 month for that? :)

      Can someone point me to someone else made modern design for Joomla?

      Cannot belive this time, what happen to you?
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • JeromeR wrote:
      I'm sorry, but I let my subscription laps (did not renew).

      I hope to renew when RT comes back to the Glory.
      Right now, No Comms (left in the dark)

      And timelines are not acceptable...

      I'll be watching on the sidelines.

      I cannot fault the RT Community (The Best)...

      Thank you RT for all the years you've helped.
      I hope you can come back and be the best again..

      I'm out.

      After this I'm whit you
    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • JMDonald wrote:
      Having said that, I know that as soon as you say, "the next template's coming along nicely, should be done in about a week" and then it's a few days later, many are going to cry foul.

      Oh trust me, we did everything in our power to release by the promised time. But with any development, testing reveals issues and opportunities. When we knew that we were at the deadline and there were still pending items on our to-do list (which had grown on that final day) we had to choose releasing the next day over releasing something that wasn't ready.

      We do not like releasing day one updates, and we are confident (based on other forum threads) that our subscribers don't like having to deal with them when they're in the midst of developing with the new theme. The background animation was beautiful, but we knew there would be folks that would take issue with how many resources it consumed. So, we made the decision to take a day and optimize it, give developers the option to have the animation render to a specific section of the page rather than just the entire page, and release it when it was ready.

      To others' points:

      Is this theme the theme for everyone? No. But it was one that was frequently requested.

      We would absolutely appreciate it if any of the folks that don't like this theme would offer suggestions of their own for future themes. Provide ideas, design schemes or features they want to see in a future theme. We can work towards that.
    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA

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