All that, you can accomplish trough modifying VirtuMart or direct changes to the php pages.
to summarize : i'm in php 5.2, i used the rockettheme launcher with the Mynxx demo, the last update as been set up, every thing in the config is right. Then i'm ok with you but what file should I find & opend? where can i find those links to modify them? I've open up a lot of pages without finding the place to change the text or modify the link.
That's an example but there a lot of others :
How to modify the different form pages of virtuemart? such as the "ask seller " : form where is it in virtuemart files? It's impossible to open up all the virtuemart pages & read the php code to find them... especially for someone who doesnt know php!!
Last point i saw that the global template css does not work in the flypage product editor? I can't say if it's a lot of bugs or if its normal ... cause i didn't find any information about it even in this forum.
In the virtuemart rockettheme demo, i tried to modify the customers comments upon products ... & i get a new surprise, a bug i don't know what it mean : "Division by zero in /..../......./administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_reviews.php on line 230"
No post about it in the forum... am i the only one to meet this?
Thanks again evrybody for your help but i'm seriously thinking of changing component for my shop : too complicated and difficult to debug, even with using the rockettheme template launcher.